The Top Six Necessities For Your List Of Volleyball Equipment

In recent years, volleyball has grown as a popular sport to such an extent that it is being played on an international level. While exciting, this does place more demand and responsibility on volleyball coaches and assistants. Not only do they need to improve the players’ overall performance, but they need to be more aware of the administrative and practical issues. This article will provide information on the top six necessities for your list of volleyball equipment.

1. The Volleyball Team Uniform

The first item that all volleyball players need is the team uniform. Individuals will not be able to play if they do not have a uniform indicating which team they are playing for. Of course, there are cases where uniforms can become damaged or stolen; therefore, it is recommended that you pack several uniforms as ‘fail safes’ to prepare for the unexpected.

2. Footwear

As part of the uniform, it is vital that one pack several pairs of socks and shoes. It may seem simple to remember, but forgetting volleyball shoes can easily happen to anyone. It is essential that you check, re-check, and re-check once again that the players all have their playing shoes with them to avoid having to use the backup options when travelling away from home. In some cases, people have played in shoes that are several sizes too small, and this can negatively affect their performance.

While the shoes need to be remembered, it is recommended that the volleyball shoe is made in a particular way. As this item is essential for the game, it is advised that the shoe is designed to protect and prepare the foot for side-to-side movements. Ideally, the show will have a gum rubber sole to offer maximum traction with thick front padding, so players do not experience leg pain as a result of jumping.

3. Knee Pads

While some people may not be too concerned with knee pads, these items are essential to prevent knee or leg injuries. Once again, the item design should be suited to the player taking their age and experience into account. For example, a novice athlete should pack thicker knee pads because they do not have experience jumping or diving; whereas, advanced players will be able to use thin knee pads to prevent any burns or bruises. It is recommended that several pads are packed to prepare for any unexpected damage during travel.

4. Ankle Braces

The most common injury any volleyball player can experience is a sprained ankle. To avoid this injury, it is crucial that players invest in ankle braces as they offer stability without affecting performance. There are different types of ankle braces, but the most effective is the lace-up braces guarding the front, back, and sides of the ankle. It is crucial that all the players have ankle braces that fit comfortably and are sturdy enough to protect them when playing.

5. A VolleyBall

Believe it or not, not all volleyballs are the same; therefore, it is vital that you list a solid ball as one of the equipment necessities. The ball is the most important items in the game, and good balls will reduce pain experienced by players when hitting it over the net or passing. If the game is played indoors, the best type of ball would be a leather ball. However, this is not the case if the game is being played outdoors because it may become damaged. Cloth balls are more beneficial for outdoor games as they will not hurt the players and are more durable.

6. A Duffle Bag

After obtaining the correct equipment, it is necessary to have a specific bag in which to store all the items. The bag needs to be easy to carry, but should also have several pockets or compartments. Duffle bags are ideal for this situation.


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